Culture, Ecology, Change
4 Semester
120 ECTS
English is the main teaching language.
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We are living in a world of multiple ecological and humanitarian crises, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and demographic pressures due to this. Those crises of the “Anthropocene“ are interconnected and aggravate one another.
The Master program "Culture, Ecology, Change" enables students to grasp, and act upon, the world views and historical causes of these problems. The socio-ecological transformation of society can succeed only if the respective cultural and epistemic foundations are understood. Hence, this Master program critically analyzes current cultural narratives and values and contrasts them with alternative framings – real and imaginary ones. Especially in culture and art, we find many counter-narratives that can serve as a blueprint for cultural change.
CEC therefore takes a decidedly ecocritical approach, which is complemented by select interdisciplinary research on sustainability offered by various departments outside of British and American Studies (e.g., law, landscape ecology, marine ecology, agrarian economics, philosophy, history). Students will be equipped with the appropriate scientific tools for analyzing, interpreting and shaping socio-ecological processes and transformations towards a sustainable future. Reflection and reception of current theoretical propositions will be embedded in a global and historical context in order to grasp the complex connections between climate change, migration, coloniality and populism/racism/fundamentalism.
The goal of “Culture, Ecology, Change“ is to establish environmental humanities and ecocritical studies in the various fields of education, as well as to understand literature, culture, and language as actors in their own right in the multiple processes of shaping an ecologically sustainable and socially just world.
Course of studies
"Culture, Ecology, Change" is divided into four semesters.
The first semester consists of the module “Approaches“ and “Readings,“ a theory module.
In the second semesterstudents will examine historical roots and the diachronic perspective of cultural-ecological change (including notions of the future). Parallel to this, they will be able to specialize according to their interests in the interdisciplinary perspectives in semester one and two. In semester two, students will be able to have a practical experience as well as specialize in science communication.
The third semester will look at current entanglements of cultural and ecological change. A second core module is “Transformation: Future Design“ where students will work in groups on a practical project of their choice. Here, they are encouraged to think creatively about the world they live in and to think up sustainable solutions to current dilemmas. In a research module they will practice the art of sustained documentation and theoretical reflection on a self-chosen topic.
The study course culminates in the master thesis.
Target group
The master “Culture, Ecology, Change“ is aimed at students with a first degree (B.A. or equivalent), who are interested in the sustainable transformation of society, in nature protection, climate justice, sustainable lifestyles and sufficiency. Anyone interested in critically analyzing our current modes of production and consumption and eager to learn about alternatives that might enable socio-ecological change are eligible for this master program.
Career prospects
Students will be equipped with both academic and practical tools in order to facilitate socio-ecological change. They will be able to act as “change agents“ in various professional fields at regional and national, public and private levels, as well as in the various fields of education. Especially the emphasis on science communication allows for job opportunities in public relations in the fields of environmental protection and environmental science. Further job opportunities include research and teaching, work in non-governmental organizations and political consulting.
Entry requirements
The general admission requirement for a Master's program at the University of Rostock is a first degree qualifying for a profession (usually a Bachelor's degree).
The following additional subject-specific admission requirements must be met for the Culture, Ecology, Change major:
First professional degree in a subject related to the humanities, social sciences or cultural studies with at least 180 credit points or another equivalent degree with cultural studies components amounting to twelve credit points
English language skills at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
There are no admission restrictions for the program. All prospective students who meet the admission requirements can enroll directly. A prior application is not required. The study program can only be started in the first semester of the winter semester. Entry into a higher semester (e.g. for university transfer students) is possible in the winter and summer semesters.
In addition to the above-mentioned admission requirements, prospective international students do not need to demonstrate German language skills for the Culture, Ecology, Change (M.A.) program.
Universität Rostock
Philosophische Fakultät
August-Bebel-Straße 28
18055 Rostock
Frederike Neuber
For more information on the Culture, Ecology, Change master's program, visit the university's website.