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Digital Entrepreneurship

Innovative contents and teaching + cool staff = great master

Erfahrungsbericht von Jojo, 19.04.2022


What really makes this master stand out is the interdisciplinary approach. After having basic courses in the fields of digital law, political communication, sociology of technology and of course entrepreneurship you can choose your specializations while always being challenged with new and exciting course catalogues.

Betreuung und Lehre

As I was among the very first cohort of students taking this master, it was a bit of a bumpy ride at times since literally everything was new to everybody (for the students as well as the teaching and the administrative staff). However, considering the circumstances of launching a totally new study program in the midst of the first pandemic year, one has to salute the effort the staff put into making everything work as smoothly as possible and as close to the students as possible. As a matter of fact, participation in shaping the master and where it is going is strongly encouraged. Looking back, I can say I almost always had the feeling that students and staff were working together instead of against each other (which is sadly not always the case when you look at other study programs with a more "traditional" teaching approach).


What I really like about this program is how the almost exclusive online teaching didn't really result in a loss of quality. As the name of this master indicates its all about the digital. Therefore, also the teaching staff is relatively skilled in using and providing digital teaching methods and access to different digital tools like for business process modelling or web design. I must admit that I never really used the online access to the university library because if i am not mistaken we were never introduced to it. But to be honest if I would have asked anybody I'm sure they would have helped me right away.


I guess I already referred to most of this when answering the second question. But regarding the workload it really varied. There were some courses that were definitely demanding because you had to hand in assignments weekly or bi-weekly. But then again some other courses seemed a bit too easy for the amount of credits awarded. However one of the coolest and most practical things was having an own Slack for the whole ENS (with of course various channels for like job opportunities or exchange about the master thesis). This has removed so many hurdles when it comes to efficient and quick communication among both students and staff.


I'd say this master is as practically oriented as it gets. The contents always focus on being able to be applied in the "real world". Addionally, it's also a pretty international master. In the first cohort we were about 30 students from I think 18 nations. And as I mentioned earlier, you are also regularly provided with job offerings from different chairs at the university, science institutes or also startups from the ENS ecosystem.

Über Jojo
Alter bei Studienbeginn:
21 bis 25 Jahre
Beginn des Studiums:
studierte bei Abgabe des Berichts

Bitte immer daran denken: Erfahrungsberichte sind subjektive Schilderungen. Achtet auch auf das Datum – vielleicht hat sich in der Zwischenzeit schon etwas geändert.

Zu diesem Studiengang gibt es einen weiteren Erfahrungsbericht:

MoDE - Master of Digital Entrepreneurship

von Mia am 25.04.2022 (4 Semester, Alter (bei Studienbeginn) 21 bis 25, im Studium)

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