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American Studies

M.A. American Studies Uni Tübingen - one love

Erfahrungsbericht von Kate S., 17.06.2019


I am very happy I did my MA in American Studies in Tübingen! The program is organized in such a way that there is something for everyone, whether you like movies or poetry, art or pop culture. I loved all the classes I took but my personal favorites were Heroization of American Presidents, Stand-Up Comedy and Understanding Oppression. The department is a great community with its vibrant life and fun activities.

Betreuung und Lehre

The professors are top notch but very approachable, the students are motivated and classrooms are diverse.


You will never be bored studying American Studies and will come out of the program as a critical thinker, strong researcher and writer.

Über Kate S.
Alter bei Studienbeginn:
26 bis 29 Jahre
Beginn des Studiums:
Schon länger her (2014)
Studium 2016 abgeschlossen

Bitte immer daran denken: Erfahrungsberichte sind subjektive Schilderungen. Achtet auch auf das Datum – vielleicht hat sich in der Zwischenzeit schon etwas geändert.

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URL dieser Seite: https://www.studis-online.dehttps://www.studis-online.de/studium/amerikanistik/uni-tuebingen-5628/eb-1789/